Why Hire a White-Collar Criminal Defence Lawyer in Brampton?

Aug 4

Have you been charged with a white-collar crime? Are you looking for a dedicated criminal defence lawyer in Brampton?

First, remember that you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. So, never simply give up and plead guilty. That way, you may have to carry the burden of a criminal record for the rest of your life.

Here, we will discuss what white-collar crime is and how you can benefit from hiring a criminal lawyer to defend you.

Let’s get started.

What Is the Definition of White-Collar Crime?

The term ‘white-collar crime’ was coined by the American criminologist Edwin Sutherland in 1939 to denote “crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status.”

There is no Canadian criminal code offence called ‘white-collar crime’. The term broadly describes corporate and occupational crimes. White-collar crime usually involves people in a position of authority in a business or organization with access to sensitive information.

These offences are mostly committed through deceit for financial gain. White-collar crime ranges from offences such as fraud under $5,000 to the multimillion-dollar Sorenson and Brost Ponzi scheme .

What Does White Collar Crime Include?

White-collar crime is an umbrella term that covers a variety of offences, including

  • Criminal embezzlement
  • Money laundering
  • Tax fraud and evasion
  • Manipulation of stocks and insider trading
  • Falsification of books and records
  • Securities fraud
  • Real estate fraud
  • Corporate fraud
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Copyright and trademark offences
  • Bid rigging and price-fixing
  • Theft under power of attorney

Why Should You Hire a White-Collar Criminal Lawyer?

criminal lawyer in Brampton

White-collar crimes can lead to serious sentences and long-standing repercussions for both individuals and businesses. It deals with complex documents that may be difficult for ordinary people to understand.

So, if you’ve been accused, a white-collar crime lawyer is the best person to review those documents. They will give you the right advice, make you aware of your rights, and navigate your situation for the best possible outcome. Let’s outline the benefits of hiring a criminal defence lawyer.

1. You Get a Strategy Personalized to Your Case

Every company and client is unique, as is every case. That’s why personalized attention and careful investigation are required.

To deal with these complex facts, you need a lawyer with experience in white-collar crime. They will work closely with you to develop a strategy that is right for your needs.

2. They Will Reduce Your Stress 

Many cases qualify as white-collar crimes, like the Livent scandal, frauds of all sorts, conspiracy, and political corruption. But laws and regulations can be difficult to understand, which can work against the interests of both the individuals and businesses involved.

A skilled white-collar crime lawyer will have experience in all these areas. They will prepare you at every step of the case, thus eliminating any confusion and reducing stress. They will provide you with a robust defence and the best chance at a positive outcome.

3. They Will Investigate Your Case

Your criminal defence lawyer won’t depend on the police investigation; they will conduct their own to get the charges against you reduced or dismissed. They will investigate the evidence against you to ensure that law enforcement and the prosecutor are acting legally.

4. They Will Get You the Best Outcome 

Hiring an experienced criminal defence lawyer is worth the expense. After all, a criminal conviction can destroy your career and have other damaging personal consequences.

But a qualified lawyer can help you make the right decision, which may include working with the prosecutor. They will help you settle your issue while making a strong path forward for you or your company.

White-collar criminals may seem like they get off frequently. But if you are charged with such a crime and want to secure your release under favourable conditions, contact a criminal lawyerwho specializes in this category. Hiring the right defence team will give you your best chance of mounting a successful defence.