How to Prepare for a Criminal Trial (5 Effective Tips)

Jun 1

Defendants understandably find criminal trials overwhelming, especially if it’s their first offence. Preparing for one is a collaborative effort between you and your legal team. Indeed, your criminal defence lawyer must be with you at every step of the legal process.

At the same time, you should know the best ways to deal with the situation. So, it’s wise to approach litigation decisions objectively and keep your emotions in check. That is easier said than done of course.

So, consider these tips from one of the best criminal defence lawyers in Brampton to prepare for your criminal trial.

A Short Trial Preparation Checklist (As Compiled by One of the Best Criminal Defence Lawyers in Brampton)

Here are some ideas and suggestions to help you prepare for your criminal trial.

1. Get Legal Representation

Criminal trials depend upon the evidence being presented in court. Only when the jury and judge are satisfied with their decision to acquit or convict will they render a verdict (once they have seen all of the evidence).

To be prepared for a criminal trial, the accused must be aware of procedure, and this can best be achieved with the help of an experienced lawyer.

Keep in mind that the laws between provinces differ. But with one of the best criminal defence lawyers in Brampton by your side, you will fully understand the legal issues related to your case and how your province’s court procedures work.

By contacting a criminal law firm in Brampton, you will understand your best legal recourse. They will also prevent you from making costly mistakes that may harm your case.

2. Thoroughly Read the Complaint

This is the evidence in your case that is provided by the Crown. Familiarize yourself with it as every accusation, claim, and footnote is fair game during a trial. By doing so, you will understand what it might take to refute or prove the claims being made. You and your lawyer will be able to gather necessary evidence, prepare your testimony and devise a game plan for your next move.

criminal law firms in Brampton

3. Minimize Communications with Third Parties

As a defendant, it’s imperative that you avoid discussing your case with anyone, including your family, friends, co-workers, or employees. Remember, anyone with any information about the case can be called to testify against you, so you need to assume that everyone could be the government’s witness.

A good way to go about this is to conduct yourself as if everyone you talk to is recording your conversation. If you feel there is a part of the case you need to discuss with someone, call your lawyer.

Note: Any information that can be electronically obtained by the government such as text messages, faxes, email etc. will be and potentially used against you. Also, keep in mind that the subpoena may not be directed toward you but the individuals you communicate with, or your telephone company or email server.

4. Prepare Your Witnesses

Witnesses play an integral role in ensuring a successful case, but it’s necessary for everyone to be on the same page. The defence and prosecutor will determine key witnesses and may go over the proceedings with them. This means they will brief you and the witnesses on what they should expect in court to ensure they corroborate your version of events. Be sure your witnesses are comfortable testifying on your behalf.

When you hire one of the best criminal defence lawyers in Brampton, you can rest assured, knowing they will prepare both you and your witnesses to testify truthfully. This guarantees that the delivery is impactful and concise.

5. Avoid Social Media

As mentioned, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in court, including social media posts.

When facing a trial, it’s imperative that you stop posting anything or, better yet, disable your accounts altogether. The prosecutor will most likely be monitoring your social media records to find something they can use as evidence to prove your guilt. Furthermore, they may subpoena your social media host.

These are a few practices that can help defendants effectively and efficiently prepare for trial. By reading this blog and hiring one of the best criminal defence lawyers in Brampton, you avoid making significant mistakes that may harm your case and reputation. To learn more about how criminal trials work in Canada, click on this link.