Get Expert Advice from a Brampton Assault Lawyer About Domestic Assault Cases in Ontario

Nov 3

Domestic assault charges can have far-reaching and profound consequences. Along with being humiliated and damaging your reputation, your life can be disrupted in numerous ways. You will likely be barred from contacting the alleged victim and returning home. Furthermore, a conviction may lead to imprisonment and other penalties, including a criminal record.

The stigma surrounding domestic violence charges can also curtail future job opportunities, limit educational pursuits, and make it hard to rent properties. That’s why it is important to navigate Ontario’s complex landscape of domestic assault charges effectively.

Seeking legal counsel from an experienced Brampton assault lawyer is your best bet to attain a favourable outcome. To help you make an informed decision, we have outlined important things to know about domestic assault charges in this province. This guide will help you strategize your defence and confidently confront your complex situation.

Inside Domestic Assault Cases: Expert Information from a Brampton Assault Lawyer

Along with hiring a criminal assault lawyer in Brampton, here are some important things to know about domestic assault charges.

1. Your Lawyer Will Help You Understand the Degree of the Charge

In Ontario, domestic assault charges come in various forms and with varying degrees of seriousness. The first category is uttering threats, damaging property, or breaking or damaging items. Mid-level offences include criminal harassment, uttering threats to cause death, and basic domestic assault without injuries. Offences with a weapon, forcible confinement, choking, stalking, or an assault that results in bodily harm carry serious punishments. Allegations of aggravated assault, sexual assault, and homicide can result in years of imprisonment.

Sexual Assault Lawyer in Brampton

Unsurprisingly, the more severe the crime, the more serious the charge. For instance, a first-time offender could potentially see their charges dropped if they are properly represented by an assault lawyer in Brampton. However, if you have a prior domestic assault charge or are charged with sexual assault, the outcome can be much worse. Unless there are complex issues related to your case, the prosecution is unlikely to drop your charges. And, if found guilty, you may face jail time and additional negative consequences.

2. They Know How Sentencing Is Done

Understanding sentencing when it comes to domestic assault charges in Ontario can be tricky. A summary conviction, for instance, can lead to six months in jail and a fine of $5,000. In the case of an indictment, you can face up to five years in prison.

However, it is important to note that every case is different. Depending on your specific circumstances, the judge may choose a non-custodial sentence for less serious offences.

One of the best ways to attempt to get a lenient sentence is to hire a reputable criminal assault lawyer with a background in domestic assault. They know how the laws work in your province and will fight to get you the best possible outcome. You can look at their track record to determine if they are the right fit and to give you an idea of what you may expect from your case.

3. You May Have Help with Your Case

In Ontario, it is possible for the accused to try to have their domestic assault charge dropped. The procedure starts when the Crown Attorney begins reviewing the case. The charges may be dropped if the Crown comes to the conclusion that there is no reasonable prospect of conviction. Or they may decide that prosecution is not in the best interests of the public.

However, your assault lawyer in Brampton can play a crucial role in this decision. They will be communicating with the Crown Attorney to provide evidence that supports your case. Plus, they will work to prepare a strong defence.

Domestic assault charges in Ontario can be complex, overwhelming, and result in severe consequences. However, it is necessary to understand the process and know what your options are if you are charged. Having a good lawyer on your side gives you a better chance of effectively navigating this challenging situation. And while getting your charges dropped without one is possible, do you want to take that chance? So get in touch with a reputable criminal assault lawyer in Brampton like Harpreet Saini for the best possible outcome to your case.