Assault and Crimes of Violence

Assault and Crimes of Violence

Being charged with a criminal offence under the Criminal Court of Canada is a stressful experience for both the accused and his/her family. The situation becomes worse if you don’t have an experienced criminal lawyer to defend you. Here at Saini Law, Harpreet Saini has extensive experience in defending individuals charged with a criminal offence and handling complex legal issues. With over 14 years of experience as a defence lawyer, he offers complete legal representation for the person charged with a crime.

Harpreet Saini has extensive expertise defending clients from numerous different criminal offences such as:

Murder and Manslaughter

Harpreet Saini offers experienced representation for people being charged with homicide and other related offences. Murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, and other extremely serious crimes are all handled with complete attention to detail.

Domestic and Simple Assault

Saini Law Firm takes a very serious approach when handling domestic and simple assault cases. We understand the complexities of different assault offences that can happen in a domestic context and ensure defence cases are strong as they can be for our clients.

Aggravated Assault and
Assault Cause Bodily Harm

Any assault that harms, disfigures or endangers someone’s life is called aggravated assault under the Criminal Code of Canada leading to serious penalties. At Saini Law, we are always ready to prepare a strong case and to offer the best legal services to the person charged with assault offences.


The term threat is very broad under the Criminal Code of Canada. Therefore, relying on a criminal defence lawyer who knows the details of the law is important. Harpreet Saini has experience in dealing with crimes of violence including threats. He can provide the most suited legal advice to the person charged with such offences. Even complicated cases are no issue because of his in-depth approach and understanding of potential risks.

Sexual Harassment

Criminal harassment is a serious crime of violence that has grave consequences if the accused is found guilty. If you know a person charged with this offence, contact Harpreet Saini. He can provide sound legal advice, meet with the Crown to discuss the case, represent clients at trial, file a guilty plea (if the client wishes it), and of course provide a vigorous defence.

With Saini Law, rest assured that you have the best legal defence available. From cross examining to witnesses’ interviews, our firm leaves no stone unturned in preparing a strong case and defending the accused in an ethical manner.
Criminal charge? Call
(647) 823 6767

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